Thursday, May 8, 2008

Logan's First Hair Cut

Hi all!  So I started this blog a while back, but never actually sent it out or kept up with it.  That's why there's a post before this one.  Not that too much happened in between.  Logan is still walking while holding our hands (much stronger though) and scooting around in circles or backwards.  He is able to get up onto his hands and knees now, reach for what he wants, and then flop down to his belly again!  Maybe he'll crawl, maybe he won't!!  He would much rather walk holding on to someone's hands, furniture, or his newest thing - walking behind the push toy.  His personality is definitely shining through more and more now.  One of his favorite things to do is to play "peek-a-boo".  He has many variations...around a chair, around the corner, under a blanket, around Daddy's shoulder, and I'm sure there are more.  He also gets very excited when you play with him!  His new excitement response is to stiffen his whole body until it shakes with his hands waving around.  He'll also shake his head almost uncontrollably when he's excited.  

Well, Logan had his first hair cut this week!!  How exciting!  He was SO funny!  He was so curious that every time he heard Amanda trying to cut his hair, he would try to turn around to see what was happening.  That's our curious little observer!  He got his hair trimmed, but there was no way we were going to sneak the electric clippers by him, and no way to use them when he's constantly turning around.  That will have to wait for another time!  He looks more like a little boy now than a baby.

Here's a short video of Logan's hair cut (the batteries in the camera ran out!).


Rockie said...

Hey Guys! Thanks for leaving a comment on our blog and leading us to your blog! We are really excited, it's hard to think of anything else. We here you guys maybe/are moving to raleigh. Let us know if you do!

Unknown said...

Yeah!!! I am so glad to see you have a blog! I can't wait to keep up with you and Logan through it.

Lyra said...

Hey, guys! I LOVE that picture of the 3 of you! So cute! We miss you guys so much!