Sunday, February 17, 2008

In Response to Popular Demand...

Recently we have had several people ask us why we don't have a blog.  Well, now we do!  You can now check out our CUTE baby any time you like (and us too)!  Logan is now 6 months (almost 7) months old.  He is a sweet, observant, and for the most part a pretty chill baby!  His latest and greatest new development is walking while holding someone's hand for support!  He did this for the first time at his Granny and Grandpa Ellis' house for Granny Ellis' birthday (Feb. 9).  We have yet to capture this on video, but don't worry I'm sure we'll get it soon.  Logan also recently started scooting around on his tummy to get toys.  Sometimes he ends up going backwards though.  We're still working on that!  He can turn himself in a full circle while he's on his tummy once in a while.  One of Logan's favorite activities lately is swinging at the park.  He smiles and giggles while he swings... until other children play near the swings.  Then he just stares!  He loves to watch everything going on around him.   
For more picture fun check out our photo gallery at:

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